What are computer cookies?

History Data

21st century technology jargon can often seem like an endless stream of complicated and sometimes quite funny words, however here at Winzum we are committed to help you guys understand as much as you can. Because here’s the thing: in many cases if you cannot understand what things like phishing or c...

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How to effectively combat malware

History Data

Malware is without a doubt the most common way for nasty cyber criminals to try and gain access to our personal data, and knowing how to combat it is one of the cornerstones of online safety. At Winzum we love online competitions, but we also love keeping you lovely lot safe, so take a recap on what...

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What is malware?

Benefits History

So many aspects of our lives have changed in the first couple of decades of the 21st century, and much of this is down to new technology and the Internet. In fact, our wonderful Winzum online competition community simply couldn’t exist without the technological progress made over the last several ye...

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