The best online competition sites for students


You will have seen from our Winzum blog that we are interested in a hell of a lot of exciting things here, however online competitions are realistically always going to come first – we wouldn’t have it any other way. Aside from running online competitions ourselves, we also like to talk about the subject too. In other words, we are just bonkers about online competitions here at Winzum!

Students often have way too much on their collective plates to think about online competitions, but this is a group of people who could genuinely benefit massively from the online competition world. We said as much here too [how online competitions can benefit students]. Now it’s time to explore some of the best online competition sites for students…

Student Union related competitions

As a student it is always worth checking out any of the competitions that your Student Union happen to be running, as the prizes for these things will often be tailor-made to the student experience. Moreover, you will probably find that there are fewer contestants in a Student Union related competition, meaning more chance of winning.

And what are the best ways to find out about Student Union related competitions? Just keeping an open ear and eye out on campus is one way, or simply visiting the SU website.

Social media competitions

Social media competitions have got a lot more popular over the last decade or so, and they are now one of the leading options for people looking to enter online competitions. Social media competitions can be especially good for students too, as they tend to use social media sites like Facebook or Instagram more than most.

One thing to remember with social media competitions, however, is that there are quite a lot of fake ones to be wary of, as a lot of nasty people out there simply use social media competitions as an excuse to nab your personal data.

ITV competitions

ITV isn’t just a TV channel you know, they are also one of the largest online competition sites in the world, with some absolutely crazy prizes being up for grabs. We’re being serious here: you could win a new car through an ITV competition, or even a house!

We’ve explored the world of ITV competitions before too, so if you’re a student looking to get entering some online competitions look no further than this link [a pick of the best ITV competitions].


What, you didn’t really think we’d miss ourselves out of the best online competition sites for students? We don’t like to toot our own horn here, but you’d do well to find another online competition community quite as friendly as our one over at Winzum…

And our prizes are fun too! Just check out this Winzum The Sauce exclusive USB giveaway [Check out the Winzum The Sauce Giveaway]…

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