Step-by-Step guide on how Winzum competitions work

Step by step guide

We challenge you to find an online competition UK platform that works in anyway near the same way as Winzum. Our unique selling points are all to do with bringing people together, and also providing a genuine sense of security that is lacking across the vast majority of competition platforms available today.

And you know what else? We have made the whole Winzum experience outrageously simple, because we’re just nice like that. Keep reading for a step-by-step guide on how to enter and win competitions using our carefully and lovingly created platform.

Sign up to the Winzum website

First things first, you will need to create a user profile on the Winzum website. This could not be simpler to do, and once you have created a profile you will become a de facto member of the wonderful Winzum community. Lucky you…

In order to sign up we just need an email address, mobile phone and password. There is absolutely no funny business, something in keeping with our primary brand objectives that you can read more about here [primary brand objectives].

Choose an online competition to enter

Once you have become part of the Winzum community it is time to browse our fun, interesting and diverse range of online competitions, with prizes from a variety of brands big and small. There are many competitions to enter on our platform, and our slick website design makes them incredibly easy to navigate.

After a competition has been chosen there will generally be a small entrance fee to pay, and this can be done via our super secure SSL encrypted payment system. Free to enter competitions are all well and good, but we really want to be able to offer you wonderful people more than the rest! That often requires a small fee, but we promise we aren’t greedy.

Share it far and wide

How do you win competitions? In our book it is massively down to the philosophy “sharing is caring”, and this is why the more people that enter a competition, the bigger the prizes get.

Winzum members that get a kick out of sharing the competitions that they have entered also receive a better chance of actually winning. As you will quickly find out, we are incredibly loyal over at Winzum, it’s the best way to be!

Cross all of your limbs

Once you have found a competition to enter and shared it with every single human being that has ever lived (only kidding), all that is left to do is cross all available limbs and hope for the best.

Remember, however, that at Winzum everyone’s a winner, so even if you don’t receive the main prize, you will be in line to get something amazing like a brand discount just for entering. Happy days!

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