How to tell whether you will enjoy pub quizzes or online quizzes the most

Winning Benefits quiz questions

The very idea of a quiz has been fascinating for the last few hundred years, especially considering its supposed initial flowering out of a practical joke played by a Dublin theatre owner. Oh yes, allegedly the word quiz was invented when this funny chap bet a friend that he could make up a nonsense word and have the whole city now it by the very next morning!

Today’s idea of the word quiz rests primarily with two different types; the old school British classic pub quiz, and the very much modern world of online quizzes such as Buzzfeed quizzes and online personality quizzes.

People tend to prefer one or the other in today’s world, however it isn’t easy to immediately tell which one. Let us spare you the headache. Because over at Winzum we have compiled a short guide on how to tell whether you will enjoy pub quizzes or online quizzes the most.

A little bit on pub quizzes

To begin with let’s just take a deeper look at the incredibly popular and fun world of pub quizzes, a set of knowledge tests that have become part and parcel with pub culture. Due to their popularity, however, it is pretty surprising to learn that pub quizzes have only really been a thing since the late 70s!

Nowadays pub quizzes can be found all around the world, so it is a pretty impressive evolution to have in such a small time. You can read more about the history of pub quizzes here [a brief history of pub quizzes].

The very modern rise of online quizzes

Although pub quizzes still aren’t particularly old, the world of online quizzes is definitely a lot younger. Buzzfeed quizzes, for instance, are outrageously popular these days, however it was only just over a decade ago that they didn’t exist at all.

And with online quizzes there are naturally so many different options to choose from, with quiz enthusiasts being able to choose from a huge variety of potential titles, from Buzzfeed quizzes, Harry Potter quizzes and personality quizzes, all the way through to a general knowledge quiz, geography quiz, or Christmas quiz!

The good stuff about pub quizzes

The main thing that a pub quiz has over any kind of quiz is the fact that it really does come with a truly unmatched atmosphere, as there is nothing quite like being in the midst of a packed pub quiz alongside your best friends.

Pub quizzes can also come in many different variations, and if anything it is just a good excuse to have a nice relaxing time with some of the people you love the most! A few of the many online quiz positives

However if it is practicality you are after when entering a quiz there really isn’t anything better than one of the many online quizzes on offer these days. The world of Buzzfeed quizzes alone offer people so many different possibilities, just check a few of our very own Winzum recommend ones for an idea here [a pick of the best Buzzfeed quizzes].

If you are clever enough to win some online quizzes with prize money you also stand to win a lot more on average than with pub quizzes, so that is something to think about too!

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