Everything you need to know about pub quizzes

Winning Benefits Step by step guide

Pub quiz - all you need to know

Chances are that most people will have at least heard of the very British phenomenon of pub quizzes before, as they are something that can be found in pretty much every town, village or city, no matter how big or small! Indeed, is there a more fun way of testing your knowledge these days? We don’t think so…

We love a good old pub quiz over at Winzum, and we also love making sure that we spread as much information as possible to you lovely people. With that in mind here is everything you need to know about pub quizzes!

The history of pub quizzes

Pub quizzes are so absolutely engrained in British culture that it can be tempting to think that they have been going on since the very beginning of time, however surprisingly they were only established in the 1970s by a pub company called Burns & Porter.

At the time people in the pub industry were brainstorming ways in which they could boost their midweek revenue, and so the pub quiz was born. Within only a few years there were tens of thousands of pub quiz teams playing in Burns & Porter quizzes, and within a few decades there were thousands of independent pub quizzes going on up and down the country.

Are pub quizzes a solely British thing?

Pub quizzes are, of course, a quintessentially British thing, but this does not mean that they cannot be found elsewhere on the planet. They are also incredibly popular across the English-speaking world, for example, particularly in places such as Australia that also have a rich drinking culture.

Other than this the many Irish pubs that can be found across continental Europe and beyond also hold regular pub quiz nights – it all points to the fact that pub quiz competitions are a truly worldwide thing in the 21st century!

How to enter a pub quiz

There really is no need to be scared of how to enter a pub quiz, because it is incredibly easy in most cases! The first thing to do is establish a pub quiz team, and then find a pub that you would like to play in.

Once you have done this it is just a question of booking your place, and often paying a modest entry fee too.

Tips on how to win a pub quiz

The difficult part comes with the pub quiz itself, although there are definitely things to do that will help you ultimately win. Everyone’s a winner with Winzum, and we like this to translate into everything we do, so here are few tips to consider.

Firstly, do not get too drunk! It can be tempting, but it isn’t going to do anything good for your brainpower, is it? Additionally, it is also a good idea to recruit a pub quiz team with various knowledge specialisations. You can find more tips on how to win a pub quiz here [how to win a pub quiz].

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