Easy ways to boost your income


Here at Winzum we’re not like a lot of other online competition platforms that are simply out for your hard earned cash and personal data – we actually care about our online competition community. As a result we are constantly looking for ways to help you lovely lot out, and one of the main things that we’re pretty sure everybody would like to do is boost their financial income.

But here’s the thing: boosting your income isn’t the simplest thing to do, otherwise we would all be millionaires, wouldn’t we? It certainly isn’t impossible to increase income, however, and there are a range of different ways in which we can all do it…

Try out premium bonds

Ever heard of premium bonds? If not we suggest you head over to our article explaining what these NS&I approved investment raffle-type things are here [what are premium bonds]. Although you are never guaranteed a win with premium bonds, the maximum prize each month is £1 million, so it can be worth a shot!

People argue that premium bonds are no better than the national lottery, however at least with NS&I premium bonds you are investing in something that is state approved, and was originally started as a way to encourage investment in the post-WWII period.

Can’t boost your income? Reduce your outgoings

Obviously it isn’t always going to be possible to increase your income, however it can often be easier to reduce some outgoings than you might think. For instance, a lot of money can be saved via tactical grocery shopping, especially if you plan your meals for the week in advance.

Moreover, we are all prone to spending a little too much money on materialistic things such as clothes, especially when it is easier than ever to engage in online shopping these days. Cutting some of this out will also help you significantly reduce your outgoings.

The wonderful world of car boot sales

For many people car boot sales can seem like something constrained to the past, however in reality they are still a great way to increase your income through selling things you no longer need. And you know what else? Committing to a car boot sale might actually give you the motivation to clear out any unneeded clutter from your house too!

Not only this, but car boot sales can be a fun and unique day out for the whole family, especially the kids.

Check out platforms like eBay, Depop or Gumtree

If a car boot sale isn’t really your cup of tea then why not try out some popular second-hand selling sites such as eBay, Depop or Gumtree? With these platforms you can sell any of your unwanted possessions through a simple click of a button, so it’s definitely worth checking them out for size.

Selling things you don’t need is one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to increase income, and because of these sites it has never been easier to do!

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