Dry January: The recovery


January can always be a slightly difficult month, with cold weather in abundance, and the pressure of a new year ahead to make the most out of. This year, however, January has been especially difficult, with a new nationwide lockdown, and a general atmosphere of grey and gloom. Things will get better though! At Winzum we are sure of that.

Something that has become more and more of a popular thing in recent years is Dry January, a nationwide drive to abstain from anything alcoholic for the whole month. After the rigorous drinking schedule of the Christmas and New Year’s period it’s anything but a bad idea, but you also a have to watch yourself with the Dry January recovery!

What is Dry January?

So, what exactly is Dry January? Well, the concept is quite simple, it is basically a nationwide effort to completely cut out the consumption of alcohol during January, giving our bodies and minds a well needed break. Approximately 6.5 million people took part in Dry January this year, the most popular one yet!

Dry January is also very tightly associated with the charity Alcohol Change UK, who are doing instrumental work to help people realise the dangers of alcohol over-consumption. The Dry January concept has been running since 2013, and has grown from 4000 inaugural participants to several million in 2021.

Dry January: What’s the point?

But what’s the point of Dry January? The UK is a fairly heavy drinking nation, however this doesn’t always have to be a bad thing, as long as it is in moderation of course. And this is kind of the point of Dry January, giving people a chance to reset their mind and body, whilst also ensuring that their general alcohol consumption later on is more healthy and regulated.

Furthermore, the Dry January concept is also great for raising awareness for the Alcohol Change UK charity, which is never a bad thing. Indeed, here at Winzum we’re always up for charitable causes, as proven by our recent donation to the Bristol Children’s Hospital Cancer Unit off the back of our latest Roni Size x Inkh. giveaway [About our Roni Size x Inkh. giveaway and donation to Bristol Children’s Hospital Cancer Unit].

How to recover from Dry January

And how do you recover from Dry January? Well, we obviously mean this in a slightly tongue in cheek way, because the health benefits experienced during Dry January are somewhat of a recovery in themselves. Most people are going to be itching to have a drink after a month off though, hence the recovery!

A great way to have a bit of Dry January recovery is to order some of your favourite alcoholic beverage in, however we must warn you: it is crucial to stay drinking in moderation. At Winzum our idea of Dry January recovery is a few casual drinks, not getting absolutely plastered off a month’s worth of alcohol just to make up for lost time.

Have you noticed the Winzum Averys Wine Rack Essentials 15 Bottle Mixed Case Giveaway?

We wonder whether you have noticed the Winzum Averys Wine Rack Essentials 15 Bottle Mixed Case Giveaway yet? It could be the prefect recipe for a spot of light Dry January recovery, coming from one of the UK’s leading wine merchants. Check our Winzum Spotlight on Averys for more [Winzum Spotlight: Averys].

Head over to the link for more information – [Check out Winzum Averys Wine Rack Essentials 15 Bottle Mixed Case Giveaway].

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