An overview of the capital city quiz and how to win it


Isn’t it funny how much us humans simply love the concept of a quiz? There is something innately satisfying about answering a quiz question correctly, and over the last century in particular things like general knowledge quizzes have become extremely popular.

We don’t know about you, but at Winzum we absolutely love a general knowledge quiz, which is why we have already shared some pearls of knowledge when it comes to winning a pub quiz, for example [how to win a pub quiz every single time].

The capital city quiz is a great example of a geography trivia general knowledge type quiz that has got more and more popular as time draws on, so we thought we’d give you an overview of it, as well as tips on how to win a capital city quiz. Aren’t we nice!

A brief summary of the capital city quiz

In many ways the capital city quiz does pretty much exactly what it says on the tin – it is a type of geography quiz that revolves around the capital cities in each country on Earth. As you can imagine, there is massive scope here for the quiz questions being asked, mainly because there are over 200 capital cities to be aware of!

A capital city quiz can be presented in various ways too. In some cases quiz contestants can be given a map of the world with blank spaces for the capital cities of select countries, or the capital city quiz can play out much like a regular quiz, where different country’s capital cities are asked as questions.

History of the capital city quiz

In all probability the capital city quiz is something that people have probably been playing in some shape or form for hundreds, if not thousands, of years, however it is only fairly recently that it has been so big on a commercial scale. One of the main problems with the capital city quiz before the 20th century is that capital cities were a lot less concrete, so the quiz would have been constantly changing.

The 20th and 21st centuries have brought a huge focus on things like general knowledge quizzes, pub quizzes and Buzzfeed quizzes, and the capital city quiz is often a key part of all of these.

Tips and tricks on how to win the capital city quiz

There are various ways in which you can increase your chances of winning a capital city quiz, and at Winzum we are always down to help you navigate potentially tricky quiz questions. As an example of this just check our article with a selection of the best geography general knowledge quiz answers here [a pick of the best geography general knowledge quiz answers].

Reading that blog is a good place to start if you want to boost your chances of success at a capital city quiz, although there are plenty more things to do alongside this too. Buying a globe, for example, is a great way to constantly remind yourself of the world’s capital cities.

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